ICCL Biennial Meeting, July 2021

The ICCL biennial meeting was hold on July 22nd, 2021 via a virtual meeting on ZOOM due to the pandemic (see Annex I for the minutes). Twelve ICCL remembers participated to the meeting. During the meeting, Qiuzhen Yin reviewed the minutes of the previous ICCL meeting in Montreal in 2019, and Jianping Li reported the ICCL activities organized during 2019-2021 (Annex II). The members discussed about the possible ICCL sessions proposed for the 28th IUGG General Assembly in Berlin in 2023, and about the nominations of new ICCL members.


Annex I. Minutes_ICCL_business_meeting_2021

Annex II. Report_ICCL_activities_2019-2021